White papers about enterprise technology
Case studies
Articles/Blog posts
Web copy
Enterprise technology
Business management
Liberal arts education with an emphasis on visual art, photography and filmmaking.
Earned Libor Fellowship for study of small business.
Hugh works extensively with enterprise B2B marketers. His clients include global tech firms as well as venture-backed startups. Many of his assignments involve establishing a financial or strategic value for a technology investment. In some cases he may develop an actual financial model to demonstrate the return on investment.
Hugh frequently writes articles (blog posts) on behalf of technology clients. They are generally based on a key word or key phrase. His approach involves developing an effective story hook that will draw the reader into the article. He sometimes uses fun phrasing or even pop culture references to get an article off with an engaging style. However, he always tries to put solid, informative content into the articles he writes. He finds that readers are allergic to fluff and cliches.
Hugh has been writing technology white papers for nearly 20 years. Examples include developing and publishing a financial ROI model for corporate social software for IBM, articulating a financial case for low-power processors chips for AMD and defining the business and governmental benefits of open standards for Microsoft.
Hugh has written web content in many contexts. His primary work in this area is for one global technology leader. He finds the work an enjoyable challenge. To write effective web content, it is necessary to understand and balance number of potentially conflicting factors. These include the messaging and strategy of the business, the needs of the web audience, calls to action and lead generation as well as SEO.