Print and Online Design, User Experience, Website Design and Development (Wordpress), SEO, SEM, Social Media.
Golf, gaming, movies, camping
Chock full of art and design classes, Dan finished his bachelor's degree after transferring from the University of Wyoming. For a girl.
Web development, specifically Wordpress and PHP based development, is Dan's specialty - and he has been feverishly absorbing new development skills for the past ten years. In the same realm, web design, user interface, and SEO continue to be inexorably linked to a good user experience, and Dan loves them all.
Marketing is the wonderful catch-all word that is as volatile as it is everlasting. Getting involved in marketing is the best decision Dan ever made - it will always be relevant, it will always be evolving, and it will always be needed. Dan excels in writing about marketing in it's many forms - whether it be print, online, social, mobile, or in-person.
Photography is becoming the great equalizer when it comes to (over)sharing content with others. While modern smartphones have feature-rich cameras that just 5-10 years ago would have cost thousands of dollars in a standalone body, the importance of photo quality and composition become increasingly more important. In a world where a heavily-filtered snapshot of a hamburger and fries is the standard fodder for image sharing sites, Dan makes it his mission to bring back the beauty and technical skill of good photography, no matter what camera is used.
Blog posting is an instant connection between the world and your content. Imagine how difficult sharing your message was before the internet. However, with the ease and accessibility of a blog comes the responsibility to create content that doesn't add to the growing noise.