Blog posts and business writing (includes writing policies, reports, and company-wide communications)
Travel, reading, writing, and staying physically active
Kaitlin graduated cum laude from Seton Hill University, a small liberal arts school, in 2011 with a B.A. in Creative Writing and English Literature.
Kaitlin recently began writing blog posts as a ghost writer for a fellow freelance writer for use on blogs for various auto dealerships. She has written posts about sports cars, safety technology, and luxury SUVs.
Kaitlin has written blog posts for businesses that highlight happenings and eatery spots in various cities.
Kaitlin writes blog posts for businesses covering a range of topics, including local eateries, events, and vehicle features and models. She recently began writing these posts as a ghost writer for a fellow freelance writer for use on company blogs, Kaitlin is eager to continue writing blog posts on a variety of topics for clients.