Kathy can compose reports, essays and research papers using the APA or MLA style writing. She can write narrative, some technical, analytical or argumentative type compositions. Kathy likes writing product reviews, blogs and articles in the health, legal, financial, gardening and holiday fieldsto name only a few.
Kathy is a writer first. She enjoys writing ebooks. The illustrations and photography are done by her. She is a self taught landscape and portrait artist. Kathy is a vegetable and flower gardener. She also grows fruit trees such as apricot, peach, plum and apple. Her family is very important. Kathy believes in working hard and learning as much as possible.
Kathy enjoys home improvement type activities. Her family life is very important to her.
After receiving this degree, a deploma in Corrections was earned. Further education consisted of writing, English, art history, history and social courses. Being an illustration editor on the college newspaper and the Vice President in the Student Government Association further taught the importance of communication.
Working in the real estate industry for nearly twenty years doing research, Kathy has very good researching skills. She has had a great deal of experience writing blogs and articles in many areas of the real estate field. Kathy keeps up with the economic lwoes in the current housing market, the interest rates and the new loans that are now available.
Whether writing about personal injury, divorce or criminal legal matters, research has to be done to make sure that every small detail is exactly correct. The article should be very helpful to the reader by explaining the content in an easy writing style so that the points of the article or blog are clear.
Finance is a part of every day living. It is important to understand how much or how little money a person has, and then learn how to budget it wisely within his or her own financial circumstance and comfort zone. Whether it is a big business or a small home, it does not matter. The rules are the same. The more you spend, the less you have.
Writing articles on political subjects demands a lot of research. Understanding the facts and being able to write about the subject in a fair, accurate and nonbiased journalistic manner is extremely important. There is so much information that is in the public view. Writers need to take the time and do their jobs informatively.
Green Living can be a change in lifestyle. It does not have to be dramatic and depends on how much green living the consumer wants to be a part of. There are so many ways to live green. Some ways save money while others do not. Most consumers just want to help our world stay environmentally safe so their future family members will be able to enjoy life in a world that they once lived in.
Kathy does a lot of gardening and have lots of flowers, rose bushes and dwarf fruit trees. In her area, she's fortunate that she can have a vegetable garden in the spring and fall. There are so many different ways to protect the seeds and plants until harvest time and this writer knows all about it.
Eating a balanced meal while trying to lower your food costs or just changing your eating habits are very important decisions to a healthy diet. There are many delicious foods that can be stored safely. Learning how to dehydrate, can or freeze foods are ways to keep food tasting fresh over the months to come.
Fitness is very important to write about. Exercising is a big part of being physically fit. Many people just do not have a lot of time. Even homemakers with all the work they have to do, are worn out by the end of the day. Finding simple ways of exercising during their daily routine is very important.
Kathy has written many blog posts on many different topics. It is very important to have the feel for what the client wants expressed in the blog. It is just as important to be able to research the subject and write the blog in an informative and accurate manner. Whether the blog is about a horrific bus crash or food, Kathy's best work is always put forth.
Kathy writes articles for publication that are between 300 to 1000+ words. She has a lot of experience writing on a broad range of subjects. Her research capability is very strong. Kathy can usually grasp the guts of the material very quickly making her able to write a strong and intelligent article, with the outcome being very interesting and informative.