Meredith M
Writer #20228
Joined 3/29/2017
3 Star Rating
100% Success
18 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
***Meredith is taking an indefinite hiatus and is not accepting solo orders at this time.***

Great copy is clear, concise, and clean. It’s something in which readers find value and will pass along to colleagues and friends and bookmark for future reference. If you also believe this, Meredith is the writer for you.

Meredith has been writing professionally for over six years. She is an enthusiastic, talented, and accomplished writer, editor, book critic, and researcher.

She writes lively and engaging articles on topics from the latest gadgets to DIY house cleaning products to ways to decorate with plants. Article rewrites are her speciality. She can also transcribe audio into reader-friendly text.
Blog Post


Content rewrites
Blog posts
White papers
Press releases
Catalog copy
Cover copy for books
Press releases
Author bios
Personal statements
LinkedIn profiles
Social media posts
Book and product reviews
British English


Paranormal phenomena
Mental health
Higher ed
Health care
Diversity and social justice
Animal care


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

Blog Post

18 Projects Completed

Writes lively and engaging blog posts on many topics, including dating, DIY projects, and entertainment.

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