Creative writing, 'flowery' writing, product description, articles, and blog content.
Organic farming, homesteading, permaculture, agriculture, ecology, consciousness, dreams, psychology, philosophy.
Evergreen is a progressive science and liberal arts college where students participate in intensive, interdisciplinary programs. Their unique academics more accurately reflect the real world. The school doesn't offer formal majors. Students integrate fields they're interested in by putting together programs.
While at The Evergreen State College, Michaelyn gained hands-on experience at their organic farm and food lab. She also took part in the first of its kind year-long program on consciousness.
Michaelyn's degree is in sustainable agriculture and consciousness. She participated in an intensive year-long study of consciousness and gained experience in fields including ethics, psychology, dreams, comparative religion, spirituality, neuroscience, and philosophy. They also participated in a range of spiritual and physical disciplines such as laughing yoga, kundalini yoga, transcendental meditation, shamanism, and lucid dreaming.
Michaelyn's degree is in sustainable agriculture and consciousness. She owns and operates a small organic farm where they grow organic produce and educate through intern programs. She also helps run the regional Lewis County Permaculture Society with a handful of community members. Michaelyn has extensive experience on vegetable farms, orchards, and dairy farms.
Michaelyn sold articles through Demand Studios, Constant Content, Textbroker, various local publications, and independent projects. Her degree in sustainable agriculture and consciousness included a minor study in journalism.
Soulstice Gardens is Michaelyn's homestead blog. She used to spend more time with it and earned some college credit through her blog writing there. Michaelyn is exceptional at conversational tone, first person perspectives, and writing with voice. She's in the process of launching the Lewis County Permaculture Society's blog currently.