Piotr speaks three languages fluently (English, French and Polish) and has studied German, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese.
Piotr has 15 years of experience in writing promotional copy. He has also studied the entertainment industry for over 10 years and written over 150 articles and slideshows on the subject. He specializes in writing engaging, researched copy (with a tinge of humor, when required).
Piotr ensures that his writings are SEO friendly to maximize traffic.
Piotr has a very active imagination and an artistic eye. These two qualities, along with strong curiosity, allow him to approach subject matter from unique angles.
His interest include reading, writing, drawing, biking, astronomy, philosophy and healthy eating. Piotr's favorite thing to do, though, is to spend quality time with this young son and daughter. Nothing makes him smile as much as seeing what those two will come up with next.
Right after completing high school, Piotr attended St. Mary's College in Orchard Lake, MI. He studied biology and chemistry while at the school in hopes of becoming a doctor but soon realized that this was not the right career choice for him. After one year at the school, Piotr got into a university in Quebec, Canada, with a better reputation.
When Piotr arrived at Bishop's University, he continued his biology studies. Feeling that the medical field was not right for him, he switched his major to English literature, which was much more in tune with his interests. Living away from his parents gave Piotr a new-found freedom that eventually began to take its toll and he lost track of his goals. English literature gave way to foreign languages, something Piotr is very adept at learning. A few semesters later, Piotr once again switched majors, this time to drama (theatre). Every major change added on many new required credits, which prolonged his studies. After 5 years at Bishop's University, Piotr left the school and came back to Sarasota, FL. He views his time at BU as a personal learning experience. He looks back fondly on the variety of classes he took, but regrets not finishing his Bachelor's degree. Piotr plans on correcting this mistake in the near future.
Piotr attended State College of Florida in Bradenton, FL, and received his Associate's degree in 2010. His studies included classes in art, history, mathematics, literature, economics and accounting. Piotr received straight A grades (with one B grade) while enrolled at SCF. Attending State College of Florida was the first step in fixing his earlier mistake of leaving Bishop's University with an unfinished degree.
Piotr has closely followed celebrity news for over a decade and has written many articles and slideshows about the entertainment industry. His written pieces have focused on movies, television shows, musical acts, celebrity gossip and the behind-the-scenes workings of Hollywood and the music industry. As he is a big fan of films, Piotr has seen an incredible amount of movies from the 1980s to the present, which helps him bring that much more expertise to the field.
Piotr has written approximately 30 articles and slideshows about the sports industry. The themes of his articles included professional players, sporting venues, and the professional player lifestyle. These articles covered most of the popular professional sports, namely the National Football League, the National Hockey League, the Olympic Games, weight lifting, golf, professional soccer and Major League Baseball.
Piotr co-authored two separate cookbooks. In addition to providing his own recipes, he translated the books from Polish to English and converted the measurements to American standards. Piotr wrote the books with clear and concise cooking instructions, but also included some humorous asides to keep the text lively and enjoyable to read.
Piotr has written over 500+ product descriptions for a wholesale mail-order business. The product descriptions were used in successive catalogs over several years, as well as in the company's online store. Piotr updated the product descriptions as the need arose and did all he could to perfect them for maximum customer reach and sales.
Piotr has written over 150 articles in a variety of topics for a content website. Most of the articles dealt with the entertainment industry, sports, wildlife and politics. Most of the articles required research, with about half of them needing in-depth research into very specific topics. Piotr has been a life-long learner and revels in acquiring new knowledge.
Piotr has written a quick-reference book on Polish holidays and had it published. The book describes the most popular Polish holidays and traditions in a conversational and witty tone. It also includes some of Piotr's own family traditions, giving the book a more personal feeling and making it easily relatable.
In addition to his own book, Piotr also co-authored and translated two Polish cookbooks which were published for the American market. He translated the books from Polish to English and contributed a few of his own recipes.