Blog styles, feature pieces, and investigative journalism. Tones preferred are humor, informative, and conversational.
Tayler has an interest in almost anything outdoors related such as hiking, camping, kayaking, mountain biking, and running. Fitness is a big priority, her favorite fitness forms include yoga and weightlifting. Reading and writing are her two biggest passions though and with that comes her love of hot tea. Cooking experiments, specifically baking, are what she enjoys doing on her times off as well. Travel is something she always yearns for, having lived in Canada and the United States and visited Spain, France, Germany, Bahamas, and Mexico.
Tayler attended Georgia Southern for four years, and in that time obtained a degree in journalism with two minors, one in public relations and one in Spanish. Within that time she studied abroad in Spain for five weeks, became a U.S. citizen, and worked for the on-campus newspaper and magazine, as well as interning at the local radio stations.
Tayler worked as the marketing and public relations personnel for the Campus Recreation and Intramurals for two years, during this time she focused on writing articles, newsletters, and press releases about the various fitness ventures available at the recreation facility. This included personal participation in some the fitness ventures to fully grasp the concepts to then write about them in a more relatable way. In-depth research was required for each of the published pieces to provide accurate information.
Tayler has submitted personal pieces for publishing through both print and online companies. These have consisted of essays on modern love to personal works of fiction and non-fiction.
Tayler has worked on a newspaper staff and a magazine staff for the past four years. During this line of work, she has published hundreds of pieces, all varying in topics and lengths. The genres for her writing has varied from informative to controversial to being in honor of someone, depending on the need required and the piece assigned. Tayler strives to keep her work accurate and informative no matter the situation, but adds in a conversational tone to help the readers digest the information.
Tayler has written blog posts primarily for her work with the Campus Recreation and Intramural business, where weekly she would write entertaining and informative blogs about the events and services offered at the recreation center. These blogs ranged from personal experiences to third person explanations. During her time working with the campus magazine, she wrote weekly blogs about light-hearted topics such as comparing Harry Potter to campus life and further explaining popular TV show drinking games. These were meant to be entertaining while informative.
Tayler worked as a Public Relations/Marketing intern for two years for the Campus Recreation and Intramurals department for her University. During this time, she wrote press releases pertaining to the activities and events that would happen within the department. These press releases would be sent to the neighboring cities and media agencies to spread the word about what was happening.