Psychology, law, medicine, health and wellness, metal health and intellectual disabilities
Cynthia has many interests and is an avid reader and researcher. She loves researching new topics, particularly those that explore advances in medicine, law, mental and physical health and/or neuroscience.
Cynthia earned a B. S. degree in behavioral psychology. Unlike counseling psychology, behavioral psychology is heavily research and science oriented. She performed a lot of experiments and helped write up the results for publication in peer-reviewed journals. She is particularly interested in the brain-behavior relationship and considers herself a lifelong student.
Cynthia has significant experience in writing about medical conditions that have legal ramifications, like traumatic brain injury. For a number of years she was employed as a psychometrician, administering standardized assessment for adults and children who were thought to have acquired a brain injury. She has written numerous articles regarding the subtle, but sometimes devastating, cognitive effects that brain trauma can have on an individual.
Though Cynthia is a well-rounded writer who can craft blog posts, summaries, white papers, product descriptions and more, she is most adept at crafting compelling, authoritative articles that are intended to help her readers.