Michelle has professional expertise in the following: Law governing regulation of health care providers, Medicaid and Medicare payment and participation requirements, Medicaid eligibility and required services, Affordable Care Act, state and federal legislative process, state and federal administrative rule-making.
Michelle is particularly interested in Medicaid, managed care, access to health care, and state and federal coverage requirements. She also is passionate about politics, spirituality, knitting, families, adoption, and race relations.
Michelle earned her law degree in 1978. She was a member of the Law Journal.
Michelle earned her B.A. in Political Science in 1975. She minored in Psychology and History.
Michelle has deep knowledge of Medicaid, managed care, the Affordable Care Act, and laws governing health care fraud, abuse, and the regulation of food and drugs. Her published work includes explanations of these areas in treatises, short form news stories, and long form articles that explore topics in depth.
Michelle has written many news stories, both short form and long form, on developments in the law. When she practiced law, she wrote pleadings and briefs in cases before courts and administrative agencies. She also wrote or updated portions of treatises, specifically, the Medicare and Medicaid Guide and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law Reporter.
Michelle has written and officiated wedding ceremonies since 2008. She loves celebrating loving relationships and putting people's feelings into words. She has married more than 100 couples.
Michelle wrote many posts for the Wolters Kluwer Health Law blog. They covered current issues at the intersection of law and health care.
Michelle has written copy for her wedding services web site, including promotional material and discussions of options for making the couple's wedding ceremony uniquely theirs.
Michelle has written several white papers. One compared state laws that require health insurers to cover contraceptives. Another analyzed states' use of prescription monitoring databases to track and prevent abuse of opioids.