Johanna U. has experience writing about the entertainment/literature industry over the last seven years. Her work experience makes her a highly qualified writer for the human services field, as well as some expertise within the military.
Johanna U. has a variety of interests that she has invested time in over the years, including emergency preparedness, reptiles (specifically bearded dragons, ball pythons, and the calibred family), cats (wild and domestic) camping, hiking, creative writing (e.g. novels), and alternative diets (specifically vegetarian, vegan, and paleo).
Johanna U. started in the theatre program, seeking education in the technical aspects of stage theatre (specifically Stage Management). Stemming from her desire to better the lives of others, she pursued psychology instead, with the goal of working with children in the human services field.
Johanna U. earned a general social work education during her first two years of part-time study, focusing her second two years on the macro side (e.g. policy, program management, community planning). She completed her first internship of 14 hours a week at the Medical-Legal Partnership of Richmond, connecting families with children to legal assistance as needed. Her second internship of 21 hours a week was with the North Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, where she shadowed the Executive Director and worked most closely with Policy staff, both in the office and at the state legislative buildings.
Johanna U. has co-authored two blogs for the past six years. With 'The Host Movie News', she was one of two authors for the entire site. The blog was recognized by the author of the book, as well as the main actors of the film adaptation. Both authors were honored for their work by being invited to an early screening of the film with, meeting the main actors and author after the screening, and invited to be press at the Red Carpet Premiere in Los Angeles for the movie. The second blog, 'Outlander TV News' has also been recognized by both the production company and actors and production crew for the television series. Johanna U. and her co-authors (four others for this site to this date) have been regularly invited to participate in exclusive press events for the show. Johanna U., in particular, was included in an exclusive event held during New York Comic Con, because of her work with the site. Johanna U. has also written for The MacGuffin (another online entertainment blog) on similar topics as the above mentioned, being sent as press to the New York Comic Con in October of 2013 on their behalf.
Johanna U. has been a world traveler since birth, and has always had an appreciation for a variety of cultures and travel experiences. Recently, she has been hired to rewrite several itinerary pages for a travel company, to help streamline their website content and make it more appealing to their customers.
Johanna U. has co-authored two blogs for the past six years. 'The Host Movie News' and 'Outlander TV News' have both run for around three years a piece, consecutively. Both blogs have received industry recognition by those working on the adaptation (namely the production companies), as well as the authors of the books. Both sites have also received a significant readership which contributed to their recognition by the production companies. 'Outlander TV News' continues to grow in popularity both through readership, as well as through its social media presence on Twitter and Facebook. Johanna U. has also written articles for 'The Macguffin' (another online entertainment blog) as a guest writer. Johanna U. has written various types of articles, such as reporting on articles others have published to keep her readership informed (and of course siting the source appropriately), announcements of information/photos/videos at the production company's request, film reviews, and episode recaps/reviews, to name just a few. Johanna U. has worked with WordPress through the three blogs she has written for.
Johanna U. has had experience with advertising and encouraging consumers to take part in products or services offered by companies she works for over the last 15 years. Regardless of the industry, even public sector institutions (like the higher education system) need to promote their services in the best light to increase success and revenue. Johanna U. prides herself on being able to promote these products and services while still being honest and fair to the consumer. She has recently sold two articles in this writing style, for companies trying to sell a product/service to their consumers.
Johanna U. has been paid recently to assist with rewriting webpages originally created by another author, but not quite meeting the needs of the company. She reviewed the information included in the original webpages, reviewed the new format the company was requesting the webpages to be presented in - as well as their concerns with the previous format/content - and provided the company with page rewrites that pleased them and fit what they were looking for on their itinerary pages.