Trevor D
Writer #15028
Joined 4/14/2016
3 Star Rating
97% Success
78 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
After becoming the youngest producer/writer/director to take a show Off-Broadway, he decided to settle into a more personal field of honest writing. Picking up local papers and online news journals, his work resume expanded rapidly in a few short months and he quickly found the many deadlines thrilling. He quickly rose in the ranks of writers, and enjoyed time on-staff (where he remain today). The success accumulating allowed him to further stretch and experiment with other styles of writing and fields of coverage. There is no challenge too big, and he will stop at nothing to master his crafts.
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• Writer of three novels, four plays, multiple short stories, three published poems, columnist at three journals, staff writer for two newspapers, the most read student writer in the Huffington Post’s collegiate website
• Fluent in English, Middle English, German, Spanish, Russian, Georgian
• Working with Arabic, Latin, and French


Literature, fitness, journalism, cooking, theatre, writing, politics, history, languages.


Florida State University

Trevor Durham's time at Florida State was invaluable. In befriending the dean's and president John Thrasher, Trevor took his vast studies to the next level. Spending a lot of time amongst the professors and engaging in the graduate learning, while still keeping in undergraduate classes, he took a very rare path to his education. On the side of his majors, he spent extensive time learning foreign language, working various writing jobs, and producing his own theatrical endeavors.


10 Projects Completed

He is a published and celebrated writer for the fields of theatre and fiction. His plays have been played Off-Broadway on the New York City stages, worked on with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and workshopped in professional settings. His scripts and dialogue are layered with complex literary techniques and human understanding.


8 Projects Completed

Primarily working in exotic fashion, he has been working with witty and fun descriptions for un-usual product types. Due to the nature of the items, the highly sensitive topic needed finesse to sell, and his descriptions were perfect for the tasteful buyer.


4 Projects Completed

He has been researching both domestic and foreign affairs for years. With contacts worldwide, ranging from the IDF to Moscow, he has been given guidance into documents and journals to keep as up to date as possible in the studies and understanding of modern relations.

With a knowledge of comparative politics, political systems, the functions of parties, the foreign workings of the last century in virtually each crucial world player, and an extension history of the government structures in the various EU players, Durham can certainly cite and understand the trappings of any disaster, on the political landscape, or the citizenry.


2 Projects Completed

Researching heavily into philosophies, theologies, and religions (from Abrahamic to antiquities to modern), he has extensive knowledge on all walks of life, their historical roots, and belief systems. He considers himself an expert on each Abrahamic faith, with strong grasps on the historical foundings and understandings of each current reigning faith system.


2 Projects Completed

With a background of eight separate styles of martial arts, he moved into a more fitness oriented regimen six years ago. His experience in weight-lifting, physical sciences, diet, cardio regimen, calisthenic training, and sports make him qualified to train you in any field you need.


33 Projects Completed

He has been a journalist for almost a dozen outlets in this past year alone, giving political pieces, critiques, art evaluation, opinion columns, and event coverage. As the top read student writer of the Huffington Post's collegiate site, Durham has garnered an incredible readership, expanding his topic coverage daily.


11 Projects Completed

Primarily working in exotic fashion, he has been working with witty and fun descriptions for un-usual product types. Due to the nature of the items, the highly sensitive topic needed finesse to sell, and his descriptions were perfect for the tasteful buyer.


6 Projects Completed

He is a published and celebrated writer for the fields of theatre and fiction. His plays have been played Off-Broadway on the New York City stages, worked on with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and workshopped in professional settings. His scripts and dialogue are layered with complex literary techniques and human understanding.


2 Projects Completed

Having written various novels over the past seven years, he has knowledge of the quality needed to make a successful prose work. What sets him aside is his relentless studies of literature, with a complete grasp on modern greats such as the entire library of DFW, Pynchon, Vonnegut, DeLillo, and more, all the way back to original Middle English Chaucer, all of Milton, and an academic study of Shakespeare. Studies in foreign prose works, such as Dostoevski and Kafka, round out his knowledge of the format.

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0 Projects Completed

He has experience promoting his projects and raising funds for production through Facebook. With four currently running promotional pages, he has the gained the ability to reach tens of thousands with his posts. With a preference to short, to-the-point posts, he has used Facebook tools to track his strongest work and improve.

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