Mariah M
Writer #14524
Joined 3/22/2016
3 Star Rating
980 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Mariah began to write fiction when she was 12 years old. Though mostly fiction, she began working with basic grammar and played with her style. The summer after she graduated from high school, she found an online freelance writing job. Out of the five star rating system, she was given a rating of four stars. She has been working there for almost a year, but has decided to branch out to gain more experience writing in the business world.


Mariah specializes in fiction and books. Any assignment over 1,000 words appeals to her. If the assignment is on a topic she knows little to nothing about, she will happily do the research to make the article as good as it can be.


Mariah is particularly interested in any assignment where she has creative reign. If she can use her fiction skills to create a fake scenario for the article, all the better. However, any assignment where she can use what she has learned in her various classes (such as AP Biology, AP Psychology, and her religion classes) will pique her interest. A chance to learn new information about writing or about a topic always appeals to her.


Northwood High School

Mariah graduated from Northwood on June 15, 2015. She graduated with three AP classes under her belt (AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, and AP Biology). Prior to graduation, she took two college English courses online through a local community college.

Pathway Program

Mariah participated in this online program, which is offered through Brigham Young University - Idaho campus. She completed two out of the three semesters. Her needs changed and the Pathway Program did not fit her needs after the second semester. She studied life skills and English during those semesters, respectively, and studied the Old Testament.


3 Projects Completed

Since 2012, Mariah has been writing novels. She does self-publish, and is not well recognized outside of her friends and family. However, she continues to write her novels and challenge herself. What good is it to write if she doesn't get out of her comfort zone? Works include pieces in general fiction, fantasy, vampire literature, and science fiction.


974 Projects Completed

Mariah has been writing for another freelance website since June 2015. She began with a wonderful rating, and has only had eight articles rejected within that time. Articles she has written include an e-book on essential oils, a revision of a chiropractic website, and an article on Halloween decorations, but these are simply the tip of the ice burg. She has written in many different categories, such as "home and family", "health", "miscellaneous", "automobile", and "business". She does her research before she writes any article.


3 Projects Completed

Mariah has written three full length novels that are currently self-published, with a fourth in editing and publishing stages and a fifth being written. All stand alone, and all are written in fiction. She has been writing books since she was a freshman in high school; she began with National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo), and continues to participate in NaNoWriMo to this day.

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