Danny L
Writer #12877
Joined 12/16/2015
4 Star Rating
97% Success
266 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
After his first successful publication (5th grade, Halloween poem in the Collins, MS News Commercial), Danny L took a half century off. Most of his adult life after college has been spent writing, but almost all of it for other peoples' signatures. For instance, while in the US Army Recruiting Command in the 1970s, he penned all the correspondence for the commander, including policy documents, briefings, etc. The early '80s found him acting as the Adjutant for an Army Artillery Group in Italy, doing much the same. The group's 19 detachments were dispersed over northern Italy; his signature appeared on all of their bulletin boards, right under the line "For the Commander."
Fast forward back stateside and as an Inspector General for the Army he wrote reports for three more years. Finally, he arrived in Huntsville, AL for his last Army assignment, where he -- you guessed it -- wrote position papers, decision papers, analysis of alternatives -- you name it, he wrote it, but always for someone or something else.
In the 20+ years since retirement from active duty Danny busied himself writing proposals for grants and government contracts. Then one day his wife and raisin d'etre sat him down and said, in effect, why don't you write for yourself, and tell some of the stories we hear all the time.
The result of that conversation is a collection of first person stories to be published under the title Little Lost Boy, after an event it took more than two generations to outlive. In 2012 he published his first novel, Justice, as an ebook, followed by The Pres in 2014. Soon to come is a re-telling of the 1960's hit Ode to Billy Joe in novel form, and a post-apocalyptic piece set in present day.
A true Southerner, Danny grew up in Mississippi, lives in Tennessee, and works in Alabama. It's hard to get more southern than that!
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Blog Post


More well-rounded than pointed (aimed) at any specific target.


Environmental issues, management techniques, youth sports (22 years as a soccer coach)


Florida Institure of Technology

Danny was selected from his peers to attend fully funded graduate school as a young Army officer. His degree reflects the needs of the Army at that point in time.


100 Projects Completed

20 years active duty military service, and additional 20+ years advisory and assistance role to the DoD


0 Projects Completed

Danny and family ran an organic Community Supported Agriculture business for 7 years, offering small fruits, vegetables and berries to customers throughout the growing season in southern middle Tennessee. He wrote a weekly newsletter which was delivered with each family's share of produce.

Blog Post

97 Projects Completed

Danny has written weekly blogs for newsletters, occasional blogs for websites, and regularly contributes blogs in the form of podcasts on a local NPR affiliate.

Newsletter Content

44 Projects Completed

Danny and family supported more than 50 families with an organic agriculture farm for several years. For three of those he published a column in a weekly newsletter to subscribers on a variety of topics dealing with farming, food, pesticide use and, of course, the weather (most important to farmers).


25 Projects Completed

For almost a decade, Danny has been an independent consultant, writing grant and contract proposals for small businesses in the DoD sector.

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