Business ownership/operation, accounting management, finance, and financial education
Finance, Business Ownership, Self-Publishing, and Personal Development
Natalie completed her education as a member of Phi Theta Kappa with a 3.4 GPA
How to Buy and/or Sell a Small Business For Maximum Profit, Atlantic Publishing, Ocala, FL. 2005
Online Marketing Success Stories, Atlantic Publishing, Ocala, FL 2006
Jorja and Regina, A Series, Book 1 Finding Their Way, California Times Publishing, 2015
Jorja and Regina, A Series, Book 2 An Ozark Summer, California Times Publishing, 2015
Natalie has extensive experience in article creation utilizing SEO keywords with creative content that incorporates an informative/authoritative approach. She has written for multiple entities across the industries of acccounting, finance, education, nutrition and marketing.
Natalie has authored non-fiction works as listed below:
How to Buy and/or Sell a Small Business for Maximum Profit, Atlantic Publishing, 2005
Online Marketing Success Stories, Atlantic Publishing, 2006
As well as 2 fiction works:
Jorja and Regina, A Series, Book 1 Finding Their Way, California Times Publishing, 2015
Jorja and Regina, A series, Book 2 An Ozark Summer, California Times Publishing, 2015