Patricia's youngest granddaughter was diagnosed a Type I diabetic at age 3 (she is now 5) so Patricia has developed an expertise in that area and looks forward to opportunities to blog on this facet of the health segment.
Patricia loves movies and books and books that are made into movies. She has an auto harp sitting in her bedroom that is calling her to learn to play. Her bucket list includes taking a painting class one day even though not naturally talented that way. Patricia plans to publish two ebooks this fall.
Patricia loves murder mysteries and romance novels. She reads about politics and current legislation and tracking where things are going in the political realm.
A dog owner/lover and animal lover in general, Patricia would love to write a pet blog from an animal perspective.
Patricia's lifelong interest in writing children's poems and stories comes to fruition this fall when she plans to publish a collection of children's poems. She has 6 grandchildren for whom she is primary caregiver as their parents work full-time. They give her lots of inspiration.
Patricia graduated in 1981 from the Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, KS. She took time off to raise her family before starting her career.
Patricia spent 7 years working in the consulting field specializing in employee benefits where she learned how to translate technical materials into lay language for the wider audience of non-lawyers. She then spent 2.5 years as an associate in a boutique ERISA law firm in Washington DC and another 3 years as a staff attorney in the ERISA department of another DC firm.
Patricia has sold 21 posts, earning "exceeds expectations" from her client. Patricia enjoys analyzing market trends and demographic statistics and then describing their importance with respect to the property under review. She also enjoys building a story about a neighborhood and researching the history and activities that have grown up in an area.
Patricia's 20+ years working in law firms, consulting firms and non-profit organizations has given her experience in business management practices that work (and those that don't) and how to write so that the information (or story) connects with many different audiences.
Below is an original writing sample extolling the virtues of Columbia, Maryland as a vacation spot.
Patricia spent about 20 years writing in her capacity as a lawyer, consultant, and communications director for law firms, a national consulting firm, and a national non-profit advocacy group. Much of that time was spent representing or otherwise providing services to health plans and a membership organization that included group health plans.
Patricia's interest in the topic resulted from her daughter's recent diagnosis of MS and her youngest granddaughter's diagnosis of Type I diabetes at age 3. In addition, she has first-hand knowledge of the breakdown of the human mind and change in personality that comes with Alzheimer's because she lost her mother in 2012 to the dreaded disease. She understands the consequences of all these diseases in terms of the human and financial toll they exact on friends and family.
Patricia has written children's stories (as works for hire) and children's poetry. In fact, in the works for publication later this year is a compilation of her whimsical animal poetry for kids. Below is a sample of one of those children's poems.
Having worked in the non-profit sector for about 10 years now means that Patricia has had the opportunity to author news articles and blog posts for three non-profit websites as well as communication materials for members, press releases announcing events, annual reports and membership campaign fundraising letters.
The following writing sample is an example of a blog article for kids who visit one such website.
Patricia has been writing blog posts and web content for various businesses for the last year. She has sold over 175 such posts in fields as varied as industrial, health, pets, real estate, IT, cyber security, and many others. She loves the opportunity content writing gives her to research new disciplines, sharpen her analytical skills, and - of course - opportunities to write!
Member newsletters over the last 3 years have changed and grown as membership and programs have evolved for the non-profit organization. The newsletters range from an event calendar alerting members to particular upcoming events to membership drive materials as well as photos and a listing of volunteer opportunities. The writing sample below is an excerpt from one of those newsletters.
Working in the non-profit world, writers to get to wear many hats. Writers are called upon to fill the organization's writing needs and that often means press releases for particular events or topics.
The writing sample below is an excerpt from one of those news releases.