Susan S
Writer #11559
Joined 4/14/2015
3 Star Rating
100% Success
207 Projects
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0 Elite Skills
Susan is currently the COO of a medium sized, international, traditional press with experience in all stages of the publishing process. She has written three novels, one novella, and several short stories appearing in various anthologies. In addition to editing and writing, Susan has a special love of graphic design, book cover design, and all forms of art.

Prior to her work with the press, Susan published several articles on the now defunct Yahoo! Contributor Network on various subjects, from the use of common herbs, to the validity of deity in the United States government.

Susan has attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, online division, working towards her bachelors of science in graphic design. Additionally she has attended higher learning courses on psychology, business law, and travel.

Susan is an eclectic person with varied interests, and is always looking for new subjects to research.
Blog Post


Publishing, book cover design, Art, theology, and parenting.


Special interests in, how the written word becomes a book, book cover design, herbs and homeopathic medicine, and the history of great ideas (theology).


Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division

Susan attended the Art Institute working towards her Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design. The program at AI is well rounded and included course study in all forms of art as well as how they relate in the business world. Graphic Design is the psychology of how images, colors, and typography affect consumers.


100 Projects Completed

Susan is currently the COO of a medium sized, international, traditional press with experience in all stages of the publishing process. She has written three novels, one novella, and several short stories appearing in various anthologies.

As COO Susan has her hands on every book the company produces, either to edit, do cover art, or format...sometimes all three.


60 Projects Completed

Susan attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, online division, working towards her bachelors of science in graphic design. She also freelances book cover design and heads up the art department of a medium sized press.

Blog Post

40 Projects Completed

Susan keeps a blog on various subjects from her mis-adventures in the literary world to occasional soap box rants.


7 Projects Completed

Susan has published three novels, one novella, and several short stories appearing in various anthologies.

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