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Quizzes Are HOT

Webinar recorded Thursday, October 30, 2014 – 1:00 PM ET

The word is out—quizzes are IN. BuzzSumo reports that 8 of the top 10 most shared articles in the past 8 months were quizzes. How do quizzes work and how can you tap in?

Join Byron White and guest Owen Fuller, Chief Qwizard at Qzzr, offering some insights on why quizzes are so hot in the social sphere. Owen will share lessons learned from reverse engineering the big data from tons of viral quizzes. And he'll teach us the secret techniques that drive social traffic and leads.

In this webinar, you'll learn...

  • How Quizzes Drive Social Traffic
  • Quiz Optimization Techniques
  • Viral Quiz Hall-of-Fame Winners
  • How to Become a Qwizard!

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