Killian started working with translations before graduating in Mechanical Engineering in 2015, and has about 3 years of experiene in the field. He began translating highly technical turbine manuals, moved on to marketing materials for Ricoh, a manufacturer of printers, and is now working with e-commerce platforms.
Language Projects
English (US) to Portuguese (Brazil)10+
Summary of Language Experience
English (US) to Portuguese (Brazil)
November 2015 – Present: GoTransparent – Machine translation post editing job of medical translations related to skin and hair diseases with a total of 16,000 words so far.
August 2015 - Present: - Representative in Brazil for Venzee, a Canadian startup that works with data logistics solutions and supply chain for the retail market. Attendance to users and website translation services and software localization with a total volume of about 50,000 words so far.
January 2015 – March 2015: (via A8 Consultoria) - networks, telecommunications and general IT courses and presentations, total volume of 40,000 words.
July 2014 – December 2014: DeltaText – translation of turbine manuals and electrical relay operation manuals, highly technical texts with a total of 140,000 words.
July 2014 – December 2014: Ricoh (via A8 Consultoria) – Translation of all marketing material for printers and multifunctional printers with a total volume of 180,000 words.
January 2013 – December 2014: – – Several Minor translation projects including documents, flash games, business presentations, and business plans
Industry Projects
Summary of Industry Experience
July 2014 – December 2014: Ricoh (via A8 Consultoria) – Translation of all marketing material for printers and multifunctional printers with a total volume of 180,000 words.
Product Projects
Summary of Product Experience
July 2014 – December 2014: Ricoh (via A8 Consultoria) – Translation of all marketing material for printers and multifunctional printers with a total volume of 180,000 words.