After receiving her bachelor's degree in English Translation Studies from IES n°28 "Olga Cossettini" in December 2015, Agustina has been translating freelance for organisations like Global Voices and TEDx. She also studied to be an interpreter in the Institution previously mentioned, because she thinks it is of the greatest importance to keep assimilating the language, but from different points of view. That is why after finishing her studies, she went to live abroad for a year, in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she assimilated everything that she had learnt during her studies and learnt even more. She has been working as a freelance translator in Argentina since she came back in 2018.
Language Projects
English (US) to Spanish (South America)20+
Summary of Language Experience
English (US) to Spanish (South America)
Agustina's experience in this language pair is mainly from her College Studies.
Industry Projects
Non Profit3
Summary of Industry Experience
As Agustina loves travelling, she translates in that field, texts that describe places and cities for tourism websites, travel agencies, etc. She has also experience in this field from College, where she had to translate a lot of brochures and text about this topic.
Non Profit
Agustina has devoted some time to translate blog posts for the non-profit organization Global Voices, which aims to make information available in various languages to facilitate international communication.
Product Projects
Blog Post2
Summary of Product Experience
Blog Post
Agustina helps translate blog posts for Global Voices organization. They are mainly about politics and journalism.