Translator #42526
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After graduation from Voronezh State University’s Physic Dept. and The Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology in 2012 Anton has been working as a freelance translator and participated in many notable projects. He decided to devote his life to what he has really been fascinated by since school. Besides, what can be better than if your job is closely connected with lots of your interests?



Industry Projects

  • Gaming20+
  • Travel20+
  • Marketing20+

Summary of Industry Experience


Anton has always been fond of computer games. "So why not to work with what you really like?", he thought when he has become a translator. This idea resulted in localization of numerous games like Angry Birds Epic, Plunder Pirates, Magic Masters, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, Agent A, One For Eleven, Football Maniacs, Hello Hero, and that's just the beginning.


Anton is fond of travelling. Besides, it’s always extremely interesting to learn something new about other countries and people, their history and cultural background. This passion has been transformed into wide experience, gained during translation of numerous articles, reviews and guides for TripAdvisor and Expedia.


Anton hates translating boring technical texts. He treats translation as art, so creative approach is a key factor here. He managed to implement it in numerous projects that incorporated linguistic support of XXII Olympic Winter Games and 2014 World Fencing Championship, as well as translation of marketing materials for companies like Microsoft, Corel, Intel, DuPont, Wipak, Amway, HPI, Team Associated, SkyRC and so on.

Product Projects

  • Article50+
  • Advertisement20+

Summary of Product Experience


Anton has translated countless articles on various and sundry topics, including numerous support articles for Microsoft and Corel, tourist articles for TripAdvisor and Expedia, various materials for XXII
Olympic Winter Games and many more.


For almost 3 years Anton has been translating different marketing materials for many serious companies like Microsoft, Corel, DuPont, Wipak, Helo, HPI, Team Associated and SkyRC. Creative approach to translation has always been his forte.

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