Max attended German primary schools both in Mexico and Spain, where he also learned English as a second language. He finished his primary studies in a Spanish school in Chile. In 1986 he became an Architect at Universidad Pedro Henriquez UreƱa, Dominican Republic. In 1990 he passed the TOEFL exam in preparation to study in New York. In 1991 completed the course Computer Aided Design at New York University, N.Y., U.S.A. In 1993 he transcribed the book "AutoCAD 10" for the publishing company Tower Communications, S.R.L. in Madrid, Spain. This book (based on an English bibliography) was written in Spanish but sold only in Portugal. In 2010 passed the English language proficiency requirements (LPRs) for all pilots operating on international routes. He has been writing since both in Spanish and English and participated in different forums throughout the internet. He also has intervened in several magazines and newspapers in areas of interest like solar energy, electric cars, space exploration, food, health, science and collaborated revising translations for Spanish publishers like Santillana and El Circulo de Lectores.
Language Projects
English (US) to Spanish (EU)1
Summary of Language Experience
English (US) to Spanish (EU)
Max is writing a book about food health and diet. This book is been written both in Spanish and English and is targeted to be published by November 2016 in Amazon.
Industry Projects
Green Living2
Summary of Industry Experience
Max is an architect with a CAD (Computer Aided Design) certificate at NYU's (New York University continuing higher education) where he learned AutoCAD. He also has experience using Revit and Sketchup Pro. He has designed several projects using these software and also transcribed an AutoCAD book published in Portugal from Tower Communications S.R.L., a Spanish publisher company based in Madrid. "AutoCAD R12 for Windows" was written in Spanish, translated from and extensive English bibliography.
As an architect he has written in several blogs and magazines both in English and Spanish the last 15 years. His biography website is a bilingual example and a humanistic approach to the design concept.
"Our North should be always to create spaces for human beings, not for machines or abstract concepts, ..."
Max has written and translated articles about the car industry, especially related to electric and hybrid cars. TESLA, BMW and the Hyundai Motor Company.
Max has written articles in the food industry, both in Spanish and English some of them translated to Spanish. He is currently writing a book about health and food.
Max has written and translated articles about the Financial Market, Wall Street, short selling, Hedge Funds, bonds, etc. and has also invested in different stocks in USA.
Green Living
Max is very interested in the Green living market in order to be more efficient and preserve natural resources, especially issues related to sustainable living, reducing the carbon footprint, new methods of transportation, reducing energy consumption and a healthier food consumption and production. He has written several articles related and translated to Spanish.
Product Projects
Summary of Product Experience
Max has revised several German and English books and travel guides, translated to Spanish published by "Santillana" and "El Circulo de Lectores" Spanish editorials. Scientific books, Travel Guides for Argentina, Mexico and Chile ("Traveler Books" or "Libros del Viajero") were translated by Maria Teresa Diez. Max was part of her team of translators.