Sarah studied Italian Language and Culture and Art History at the University of Amsterdam and has been working as a freelance translator English-Dutch and Italian-Dutch since 2010. She also works as a writer and has her own website. She loves translating and writing and is looking for new challenges and opportunities to expand her career path.
Language Projects
English (UK) to Dutch100+
Italian to Dutch100+
Summary of Language Experience
English (UK) to Dutch
Sarah has been translating from English into her native Dutch since 2010. She has experience with all kind of texts, e.g. medical, juridical, life science and literary texts. She is very committed to delivering accurate and well-written translations and to meeting deadlines.
Italian to Dutch
Sarah studied Italian Language and Culture and has been translating from Italian into her native Dutch since 2010. Because she also lived in Italy for 2 years, she knows the Italian language and culture very well. She has experience with all kind of texts, e.g. medical, juridical, life science and literary texts. She is very committed to delivering accurate and well-written translations and to meeting deadlines.
Industry Projects
Summary of Industry Experience
Sarah followed additional courses in legal translation English-Dutch and has experience with all kinds of legal documents.
Sarah has translated lots of technical texts. She recently translated the entire website of the Binding Site.
Product Projects
Web Page100+
Product Description100+
Blog Post50+
Facebook Post50+
Summary of Product Experience
Web Page
Sarah has translated more then 100 web pages for several companies e.g. the entire website of Binding Site (specialist diagnostic products). She also writes for the web on a regular basis and has knowledge of SEO.
Product Description
Sarah has translated lots of commercial products for several web shops, using fundamental SEO strategy.
Blog Post
Being a writer and blogger herself, Sarah loves translating blog posts from other companies and individuals. She has translated more then 50 posts already.
Facebook Post
Sarah knows all about social media e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter and had translated posts for several companies. She loves this kind of creative translation work.
Sarah also loves working as a legal translator. She followed a course legal translation English-Dutch a couple of years ago and has translated birth certificates, application letters, financial statement, contracts and other legal documents.
Sarah studied art history and Italian language and is therefore perfectly capable of translating catalogs for museums and other art-related texts. She has translated more then 25 catalogs since 2010.
Sarah has translated more then 10 brochures for several companies e.g. travel agencies.
Sarah has translated a couple of (PowerPoint) translations for companies. She recently translated a complex presentation for a housing association.
Sarah has translated the American bestseller "Because You Are Mine" by Beth Kery.