No. These programs and plugins can place an undue load on our server and create errors for other platform users. While WriterAccess does understand the competitive nature of securing non-solo orders, programs and plugins that check automatically for changes are not allowed in order to ensure the health of the site as a whole. The WriterAccess tech team performs periodic checks to ensure our talent is not using these programs and will reach out to offenders via their listed email with a request to stop use. If use continues, the talent is given a final warning before they are removed from the platform.
If you plan to work internationally, you may experience login issues, depending on the destination country and internet connection.
To avoid problems, please open a help desk ticket and let us know of your plans so we may offer assistance if needed.
You cannot block a client, but you can use the settings in the client’s profile to change what you see from that client. To get to that page: