Kira specializes in writing and editing blog posts and articles that accurately emulate a brand's voice or influencer's personality. She covers many topics, from fashion to personal finance to art history and beyond.
Personal Finance, Fashion, Education, Literature, Marketing, Art, Art History
This editor does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.
Kira writes and edits articles for the web daily. She not only fixes grammatical errors but also ensures that the article's information tells a story and flows in a way that helps readers understand the material.
Kira has two years of editing experience for marketing copy. Most of her work focuses on blog posts, usually with SEO optimization.
Kira writes and edits web copy to always focus on the user experience of the page and convey the right information with the correct brand voice.
Kira edits press releases to ensure they are ready for journalists to consume and interesting enough for them to cover.