Sketching is Matt's biggest strength. He has been drawing for over 25 years and has developed a unique brand that strangers and clients alike in the Dallas Art Scene recognise. You will be getting a custom, unique, versatile and strong illustration to suite your vision. Matt always will find a way to make my vision fit with his client's.
Matt is very interested in electronics, art, and music. The Adobe Suite has become very familiar with him, but he always strives to use all mediums, techniques and programs so that he is never bound to one single program or method. Thanks to his highly developed drawing techniques, he can make use of any program. He has fun working with clients and the best part of working with them is seeing the smile on their faces when they see the finished product.
Matt further studied graphic design, illustration and a little web design at this school. He was always told about how everyone at this school has enlightened tastes in music, art and culture and my expectations were thoroughly met which was very refreshing.
Matt had an absolutely wonderful experience at this school. He bonded and became best friends with several of his teachers. They became very close friends and influences of his as well. He was given an award for Excellence in Visual Design and also placed in several art exhibitions.
Matt is working on several music projects. He has a bass guitar, an Akai Mpc One, Logic Pro, and Propellerhead Reason. He goes to record stores and spends hours there so he can find vinyl to get samples and loops from. He normally has 2-3 paintings being created at the same time because he usually has deadlines to meet at Deep Ellum Art Company. Matt is used to having custom Graphic Design or Painting commissions to complete.
In the past Matt has had a lot of sales jobs here and there. He has sold Dish Network and Home Security systems. He also cold called for various charities to raise funds for worthwhile causes such as Shriners, Amvets, and American Indians. The skills that he has developed have came in great handy with his art markets and with art sales in public. He has developed them further with his art and easily applies them to marketing and projects.
Matt has experience designing pamphlets, brochures, business cards, package labels and barcodes.
When I state that I have done 9000 hand drawn illustrations, that is an understatement. When I was a Production Artist, I sometimes drew an upwards of 50 custom drawings per day. I had always dreamed of having a job where I drew all day and I have always known that art is something that I want to do for a living. Art makes me happy and it is the most fulfilling and consistent activity that I have had in my life.
Illustration is one of Matt's many strong points. Vector is his favorite way to see my artwork because of how he does his line-work. He likes doing thick and curvy outlines and vector lines really showcase that. Although he loves illustration, he is not bound to Adobe software and uses several other Vector programs such as Affinity Designer, Procreate, Imaengine, and much more. Matt takes pride on his versatility. When an Illustration is requested , he can create an original vector illustration with what ever medium that is available while still making his clients happy.
Matt has been editing video since I was 13. Back then, in 2003, he had a Dazzle USB video importer and used it to import his analog video camcorder footage into Windows Movie Maker in Windows Vista. Matt learned a lot but the program was buggy, so he taught himself how to use Adobe Premiere when he was 14. Fast forward to today, he currently has a Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 1080p which he uses to record crisp and cinematic video. Once again, Matt practices versitility by learning multiple editing programs, Adobe Premier and Final Cut Pro to name a few. He is proud to remain versatile in not only Graphic Design, but in other mediums like Audio Production and Video Production.
Matt has photographed products not only indoors with the flash and white display table, but also outside in nature. At times his team got creative and thought outside of the box so that they could keep it fresh and always mix it up so that their presentation and marketing campaign was unique in comparison to the competitors.
Matt has made several Brochures for Deep Ellum Art Company, for local bands in Deep Ellum, and for himself to drop off at studios.
Matt has done several websites using notepad and html. His favorite way to design web pages was to draw the entire menu and use an image map. he has used CSS as well and enjoys very much to create color schemes.
Matt has edited video for several clients in the past and has done so for product reviews, autobiographies, blogs, case studies, and has even written a script and acted out scenes with multiple cameras, color correction, and audio sync.
Matt has done several covers for magazines and ebooks. His style is often fitting for many titles, and he has been told by over three dozen people that he needs to do art for children's books in the future.
Matt is familiar with making animations with his drawings and successfully done so in Adobe Animate and Adobe Flash.