Stop motion animation, multiplane animation and experimental techniques. Writing / idea development and animating movement. Video editing, illustration and animation puppet making.
Developing and delivering engaging stories through a variety of mediums, ranging from animation and video to illustration, drawing, sketching, photography, puppetry and puppet-making, visual theatre, comic book making and sound design. Helen is particularly interested in projects involving community engagement and environmental and social issues, exploring ways in which the arts can be used to encourage creative expression, awareness of our surroundings and the connection between creativity and sustainable living.
A MA concentrating on visual design, storytelling and structure of animated film. Helen completed two short films during her studies at this institution.
Helen has worked on a variety of short film projects, comic books and illustrative work created for the entertainment industry.
Helen has worked as a creative facilitator for a variety of education based projects, for instance workshops for children and young adults in animation techniques and illustration techniques. She has also worked as a facilitator and organiser of collaborative creative and education art projects.
Helen has worked on four commissioned music video projects, designing and animating three of them and designing the set and art direction for the fourth.
Helen has directed and animated her short 2d film A Chronic Circus. She has worked as an inbetweener and a freelance animator on other short independent animation film projects and commercial projects.