You have two main ways to track what’s going on with your projects at WriterAccess. One is to log into the platform every 32 seconds to take a peek if anything new has happened. Or you can make it easier on yourself by setting up alerts. The alert feature lets you set up text or email messages that deliver updates on the platform actions you select. This video tells you how.
You can set up text and email alerts to make sure that you or your team members never miss an action at WriterAccess—or fall asleep at the wheel.
To manage alerts:
1. Go to Streamline Workflow
2. Click Alerts
From here, you can select the different events for which you'd like to receive updates. Choices include:
• New message: When a writer sends you a message about a project
• Order expired: When the time limit on the order has expired, causing an order to go inactive
• Order reserved: When an order is picked up by a writer, letting you know that they are starting to write the piece
• Order unreserved: When an order is let go by a writer, causing it to go inactive or re-open to other targeted writers
• Topic pitch: When a writer has submitted topics for your approval
• Order overdue: When a writer has not submitted an order by a deadline but the order is still in their queue
• Approval ready: When a project is ready for your review and approval
• Approval warning: When time is running low for you to approve or request revisions on a project
• Casting applicant: When someone applies to your casting call
• Deposit receipt: Sends you a receipt for the funds deposited into your account for membership and for contact
• Daily summary: Gives you a rundown on the basic actions taken on the platform each day
When setting up alerts for you or your team members, you can manage them by:
• Clicking the Add Email button to have alerts sent by email
• Clicking the Add Phone button to have alerts sent via text
• Clicking both if you really want to keep them awake
Now for some pro tips:
• Set up the deposit receipts alert to go to your accountant or the person who bills your accounts so that you don't have to go digging for that information later.
• Set up the most time-sensitive alerts to go directly to you, especially if you're producing a lot of content. These can include new message, topic pitches and approval ready.