Sure, our platform is called WriterAccess. But we've expanded to include designers, illustrators, animators, photographers, and videographers into our freelance mix. Available in a section of the platform we call Designer Marketplace, these creative freelancers are accessible to pro and premium platform members. That means pro and premium members can order graphics, images, and other visuals just as easily as written content from our site. Check out this video to learn how to find the designer that suits your needs.
WriterAccess pro and premium members have access to designers, illustrators, animators, photographers and videographers, and here's how to find them.
To find designers:
1. Click Find Talent
2. Click Search Talent
3. Click Designers
Filter your results based on specialty star rating, industry, content type, or even software.
Once you find talent you like, add them to your Love List, message them with questions, or click the phone icon to talk about a project in more detail.
To place an order with a designer, click Place Order and then fill in the order details.