What Should Go on Your Businesses Blog?

You’ve taken the first step and added a blog to your business site. Now comes the hard part: what do you put on it when you hire business bloggers to populate your blog with content? It can be tempting to fill your blog with promotional offers and entries spotlighting your products. But, you’ll get far […]

Start a Conversation, Not a Mono(b)logue

Less than 15 years ago, “blogs” were still glorified public diaries, written by a few brave digital pioneers willing to bare their souls to the masses. Now, with the demand for unique, relevant, shareable content at a seeming high, small business owners are working to establish their presence in the blogosphere. Using a blog writing […]

Reasons Why Your Business Blog Doesn’t Have to Be About Business

The reason you write a business blog is to find new customers. People do a search for your niche or product, find your blog posts, and suddenly you’ve got new eyes on your pages. Unfortunately, the number of people who search directly for your niche is a finite group. But what about those who might […]

Are Small Manufacturers Missing Out on Content Marketing Opps?

SMB manufacturers face an uphill battle in using content marketing to build market share against more established brands. The process of building content to sway sales prospects in manufacturing is not as easy as simply dispatching a blog writing service to sling a few general blog posts to the prospect. For example, a manufacturer of […]

Deliver the Right Pitch to Get More Freelancing Work than You Can Handle

Creating a great pitch can get you more writing work than you can handle. Freelance writers spend a great deal of time looking for gigs. Searching for work steals time away from the real business of writing content – your wallet is begging you to create an effective pitch that gets you noticed by those […]

Choosing the Right Blogger for You

Blogging can add immeasurably to interest and activity on your website, but that’s only if it’s done well. If the content is irrelevant or superficial or detrimental to what you offer, the blog will hurt more than help. How can you tell whether a blogger for hire will be the right one for you? Think […]

Taming Keywords

The job of a freelance marketing writer is to put words in their place. Some days, the words arrange themselves nicely on the page. Other days, they act like uncivilized little savages and refuse to sit next to one another in a way that makes sense. Keywords can be particularly atrocious, especially when a client […]

Selling $.50 of beer for $8.00 or What You Can Learn from the Microbrews

If you’ve ever enjoyed a microbrew beer instead of the “dollar draft” at your local watering hole, paid $5.00 for a coffee beverage at Starbucks, or bought a pair of designer jeans, you understand that sometimes a customer doesn’t always purchase the cheapest option. In some cases, the product is superior, and as such earns […]

The Pros and Cons of Non-Writing Work

Writers who seek non-writing work because they are struggling to earn enough money to pay their bills have to be careful that they don’t take jobs that will jeopardize their writing careers. For most of my 30-year writing career I have been lucky. I was a full-time sportswriter for USA Today and an editor/writer for […]

Writing A Blog Is Like Having A Baby

When I first started my blog writing service, I would wake up in the middle of the night and have a great thought for my next post, only to rise with the sun and be totally blank of what had struck me so prolifically during the night. I would wrack my brain trying to come […]