How Can a Professional Writer Fail a Grammar Test?


I know that I myself have failed one or two grammar tests during my career as a freelance writer, including the one for WritersDomain (twice). How in the world a professional and paid writer can fail a grammar test is beyond me, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only once facing this problem.

If you happen to be one of those amazing writers (that I envy so much) who has never failed a grammar test for any of today’s best freelance writing sites, then here’s a Kudos to you. You should pat yourself on the back and sip on a cold one because perfecting grammar in a world where every site has its own set of grammar rules is truly an illustrious triumph that you should be proud of.

But for the rest of us, the grammar battle must continue. Fortunately, though, there are a few weapons we have at our defense. Surely hopefully, these resources will improve our grammar and have us living the high life; we’ll have so many eggs in our basket that we’ll never run out, even if a few of them crack.

Textbroker University

I worked for Textbroker –and still sometimes do– for almost three years before my writing endeavors kicked off their slippers and put on their running shoes. One of my favorite parts of working for Textbroker was the Textbroker University program that I went through. I was already a 4-star writer, but I chose to complete the program anyway. I learned a lot. From grammar to punctuation and more, the program helped me perfect several of my common writing mistakes.

Grammar Book

A site that I have found extremely easy to navigate and full of valuable grammar information is Best of all, you can take quizzes to ensure that you have effectively learned the discussed grammar rules.

Grammar Underground

Grammar Underground is another site that is exceptionally simple to navigate, allowing you to conduct searches for the exact type of grammar issues that you’re struggling with. The site covers just about any type of grammar-related topic that you can think of.

Your College’s Online Writing Center

Did you go to college? If so, there’s a good chance that, as an alumni, you have access to your school’s online resources. And, most times, there will be an online writing center. I graduated from AIU Online and the resources they provide me with are phenomenal. My hours completed at AIU can be transferred to WKU, which is where I plan to earn my BA, but I know I will continue to access AIU’s writing center because it has taught me so much. If you haven’t checked out your college’s writing center, you should definitely do so.

Whitney W creates content for both online and offline clients. She spends her days switching back and forth between the role of a content writer, mother, and wife. As she continues to progress in her career as a content creator, she continues to strive toward the goal of being able to pass any grammar test put in front of her.