Don’t Let Demote Your Website

Phantasmagoria: “An illusion, mirage or fantasy, often as seen in dreams.” Phantasmagoria sounds a bit like what we fall prey to when creating a web page: We imagine and hope that building keywords ever so carefully into our page will, as in a dream, bring us to nirvana: A Page One placement in the search […]

WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: On Focus and Second-grade Comebacks

Welcome back from the weekend! And welcome back to the Round-up, in general. After Hurricane Irene, Labor Day, and a few guest posts by Associate Content Strategist Corey Eridon (who graciously filled in for me after some personal matters), it has been awhile since I’ve been able to dispense link-filled merriment. So without much further […]

The Cure for Blogger Burnout

If you’re a blogger, you know that maintaining a good blog takes energy and dedication. You also know that constant content production and marketing your blog are great big time sucks. In fact, you may have spent years crafting it, developing it and spreading the word. But now you’re plum out of breath, and blog […]

WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Reading, Writing, and Rocking

Welcome back from the weekend! I am really bad at titles. I’ll admit that. Sometimes I spend longer trying to think of an effective, creative, thoughtful title than I do creating the content itself. (And yeah, sure sometimes I just throw something on there.) Instead of giving us some awesome formulae for creating exceptional titles […]

Will Using Compendium as a Blogging Platform Help Your Business?

Whether your company is large or small, a business blog is a great way to get the word out about your products and services. You may be reading this thinking, “I already have a website for my company, why would I need a business blog, too?” Well, I will tell you! Your company’s website more […]

WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Can You Hear That Feedback?

Welcome back from the weekend! First off, I want to thank Corey, our Associate Content Strategist over here at ideaLaunch, for helping fill in writing the Round-up for me while I had some personal matters to attend to—and for her Leonardo Dicaprio shout out, too, of course.  I could again talk about how important guest […]

Jimmy Buffett Says Challenge The Common Opinion and Blog Your Heart

Let’s be honest, most of us have written blog content for quite a while. It’s a great way to hone our writing abilities while also building a following that may help vault us to the next level in our careers. So how do we create quality blog writing without getting lost in the sea of […]

WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Community, Vacation, and Cupcakes

Welcome back from the weekend! First off, I want to thank Ryn G for her stellar fill-in guest post while I was away on vacation. She did an excellent job, and she introduced me to some great new sites to look at for blogging and content marketing articles—some of which I’ll be using today! I […]

Your Blog and Your Summer Vacation

Leaving your blog while you go on vacation is like leaving your baby behind with a sitter. After all of the time you’ve spent nurturing your blog from infancy to maturity, the comparison is not too farfetched. Ideally, you’d like to be able to post from abroad, but not all destinations have Internet access (shocking, […]

My Ultimate Guest Blog Post List: Part II

A guest blogger can provide you with time to rejuvenate your creative flow—or just rejuvenate. Removing the constant pressure to come up with something fresh for even one day can jumpstart the imagination and offers other obvious benefits. Having a well-known personality guest blog can drive traffic to your site; an industry expert can provide […]

WriterAccess Guest Weekly Round-up: Horror Stories and Putrid Colors

With Caitlin on vacation, Ryn G, one of the WriterAccess community’s many top-notch writers, has stepped in on her weekly Round-up to guest post. There is no better way to kick off a Monday than with a few good horror stories, and this week’s weekly Round-up certainly has more than a few. Horror stories always […]

WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Blogs Gone Bananas

Welcome back from the weekend! We were halfway to Barstow on the edge of the desert when—well, you know the rest. Am I mentioning this legendary opening line of Hunter S. Thompson’s infamous book because I’m headed to Sin City myself this week? It wouldn’t be out of the question, but ProBlogger seems to have […]